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Hospice Care for Your Loved One

Absolute Hospice Is Owned by a Registered Nurse and Is Family Operated

Hospice services can make a huge difference for patient comfort and quality of life, especially when the hospice is contacted early in the patient’s final months. Many times, hospice is only contacted in the patient’s final days, and the person has suffered when it was not necessary. Most families of patients receiving hospice care with us for just a few days before they died, say later that they wished they had started earlier. Your family member may be eligible for The Medicare Hospice Benefit.

We Provide Caring Service for Your Transitioning Family Member

Here Are Some Common Signs That It Is Time to Consider Hospice:

  • Treatments are no longer working or are causing more pain and discomfort than they seem to be worth.
  • The patient has serious pain or other symptoms that are proving very difficult to manage, such as continued weight loss, severe fatigue, difficulty with daily personal care, difficulty breathing or swallowing, and continuing fluid build-up in the body.
  • Patients want to focus on the quality of their life rather than further treatments.
  • Family members are beginning to feel overwhelmed emotionally or physically by providing daily care for the loved one and unsure whether they are providing the best possible care; they would benefit from support and guidance from trained professionals.

Why Choose Absolute Hospice?

Choose Absolute Hospice of Friendswood, Texas, for the privilege and opportunity to provide covered medical and social services, equipment, and prescribed medications for your beloved family member.

  • Incontinence Supplies – at no cost to you!
  • Medical equipment such as oxygen, hospital bed, fall mats – at no cost to you!
  • Professional Social Worker services – at no cost to you!
  • Nursing and aide visits – at no cost to you!
  • Chaplain Support, if requested – at no cost to you!
  • Prescribed Pain Medications – at no cost to you!

There Is No Cost, No Bill From Absolute Hospice

We provide patient care, all services, and materials, covered by the Medicare Benefit, with no deductible. Do take advantage of this wonderful benefit, with Absolute Hospice, or another hospice of your choice.

To be eligible, your loved one is first, under a doctor’s care. The patient’s Illness and treatment now suggest comfort care as best, for the patient’s final months. The doctor recommends hospice care, or the family can bring up hospice and ask if it is now most appropriate. If so, the doctor provides the family with diagnosis and referral papers for hospice service, and perhaps suggested a hospice agency to contact. The choice of which hospice is required by Medicare to be the family’s choice, not the doctor’s choice. The family makes the decision for hospice service and which hospice. The family takes control. Continuing with hospice care is the family’s choice, as is canceling hospice care. Transferring to another hospice for whatever reason is also the family’s choice.

An RN With Absolute Hospice Is Available

If necessary, 24 hours a day at 409-223-0055. Call our office number, 409-440-8199 between 9 and 5 for more information.

Absolute Hospice

We provide caring service for your transitioning family member. They can pass at home, with as many loving families as wish to be there. The patient can enjoy their preferred music, as soft as they like, or as loud as they like. Enjoy the smells of home cooking and baking. Anything the family wants that could not happen in a nursing home or hospital, they can have, because they are at home.

Available 24/7

After Hours Calls Answered by a Registered Nurse